Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers

The complete productivity + planning system for your author business.

Are you...

Feeling completely overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out what needs to get done (and when!) in order to build your online presence and market your book?

Wasting time on endless to-do's that don't really seem to be getting you anywhere?

Setting big goals and then having no clue how to actually break them down so you can achieve them?

Struggling to prioritize your massive writerly to-do list?

Wishing you had more time and more focus to write AND market your work? (Instead of only one or the other – or very little of either?)

What if you could attract droves of engaged fans, increase your author income, AND still have the independence to pursue your writing goals?

Psst, here’s a secret: You can.

If you're struggling to build your platform AND still find time to write (without pulling your hair out), I want to introduce you to my secret weapon:

Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers

Everything you need to discover, plan, and execute your writing and business goals – so you can finally remove the word “aspiring” from all your profiles...

This complete author business workbook + planning system is designed to specifically address the needs of writers working to build their platforms and author businesses – everything from tracking daily word counts and book sales to strategic marketing, launch planning, and developing your author brand.

This is not a course, but a strategic, actionable, and transformational planning tool to help writers focus on the results they’re after and the reasons they want to achieve them.

(It is a digital download that you print, organize, and bind to fit your author business needs.)

The Platform + Productivity Planner is your catalyst to achieving your biggest goals – without spinning your wheels

The Planner will help you map out:

  • what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for
  • your creative and career goals
  • your financial and sales goals
  • your marketing and business plan(s)
  • your book launch plan(s)
  • your network and relationship-building strategy
  • your social media goals
  • strategic platform planning in 30 and 90-day stretches

... and more!

This printable planning system also has undated daily, weekly, and monthly planning pages, which means that you can start using it whenever you're ready. No wasted weeks or months – just steady progress toward your goals.

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The Platform + Productivity Planner is broken down into 3 sections:



Purpose. Vision. Goals.

To achieve what you want, you need to critically examine what you perceive to be your limitations, embrace both your strengths AND your weaknesses, and then take action anyway, however imperfect.

In this section of the Platform + Productivity Planner, you'll work through:

  • mastering your mindset by identifying your negative internal dialogue and cultivating an attitude that moves you closer to your dreams (instead of holding you back).
  • your purpose or the reason for doing the work that you do (and why it is so important).
  • your vision, mission, and your core values – so that it's not only clear to you, but crystal clear to others – what you're promising your readers, and the worldview that drives everything you do.
  • goal worksheets to help you further clarify your goals, and to begin brainstorming the action steps you need to take to get you there.


Review. Prioritize. Strategize.

Now that you’ve defined what success looks like, it’s time to start the planning process. Remember, you’re looking for the fastest, simplest way you can reach your goal.

In this section of the Platform + Productivity Planner, you'll work through:

  • an author business review to take a look at what you’ve done over the last 12 months and where you stand today.
  • brainstorming + priorities worksheets to brain dump, catch, and organize your big ideas.
  • your marketing summary + business plan to clarify your target audience, author brand, market research, content strategy, and more.

  • your blogging and post-planning strategy to grow your platform and influence.
  • your email list-building strategy to ensure you grow a targeted, invested list of subscribers (and book buyers!).
  • developing well-orchestrated social media campaigns to generate a groundswell of interest and support for your work.
  • book launch planning + execution to carefully prepare, time, and execute just the right mix of launch activities to propel your new book out into the world.
  • network + relationship building to extend your influence, receive valuable feedback, and gain exposure for your writing.
  • advanced platform building + business strategies, including creating business and income streams beyond your book.


Schedule. Track. Evaluate.

By tracking your progress, you will be more aware of what's working and what's not – then you can do more of what's moving the needle for your career, and stop wasting your time doing things that aren't helping you achieve your goals.

In this section of the Platform + Productivity Planner, you'll have access to:

  • your year-at-a-glance to give you a bird's eye view of your author business over the next 12 months.
  • your 90-day action planner to list your goals + objectives and the milestones you need to reach to accomplish them.
  • your 30-day action planner to plan out your monthly top 5 priorities, activities, and 30-day goals.
  • monthly and weekly planning pages
  • a daily planning page
  • month in review worksheets to look at what went right, what went sideways, and other important details.
  • a finance tracking worksheet because even if your career is in the fledgling stage, knowing where you stand financially is vital.
  • production budget worksheet (per book or by project) to help you determine the potential viability (and profitability) of each project.
  • a book sales tracker
  • your yearly stat + analytics tracker to show where your business is growing, and where it may need some work.
  • a worksheet to plan + evaluate your next 12 months.

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"Kimberley's Platform + Productivity Planner is packed full of everything a writer needs to lay out a course to success as an author entrepreneur. A 'one-stop-shopping' resource that covers everything from designing your strategic plan to developing a strong online presence through blogging, social media channels, growing an email list, and so much more."

- C. S. Lakin, author of The Writer’s Toolbox Series

It's time to boost your productivity, get organized, and create a solid action plan to level up your writing career!

The Platform + Productivity Planner will help you:

  • increase your focus + clarity
  • increase your self-confidence
  • uncover what you want to create and exactly how to make it happen
  • understand how to prioritize what needs to get done and when
  • create a schedule that saves you time and gives you focus
  • boost your productivity and get you motivated on a daily basis
  • automate and streamline specific writing and marketing processes
  • track and review your results, so that you can do more of what works, and dump what doesn't

Harness the power of putting pen to paper to transform your author business

When you embrace the Platform + Productivity Planner, you'll not only organize your author business, but you'll also unleash your creative potential.

Use it as a therapeutic outlet, a record of your author journey, and a means to engage your brain in a new way.

Why Choose a Printable Planner?

Enhanced Focus and Clarity: Writing down your author goals, plans, and tasks on paper allows you to concentrate on one thing at a time. This increased focus can help clarify your thoughts and make your writing goals more attainable.

Reduced Digital Distractions: Digital tools often come with the temptation of browsing, notifications, and social media distractions. A printable planner keeps you away from the digital world during your planning sessions, helping you stay on track and avoid distractions.

Tangible Visualization: Physically writing down your goals and plans makes them tangible. You can touch, see, and interact with your planner, creating a stronger connection to your aspirations and motivating you to take action.

Improved Memory Retention: Studies show that physically writing things down can improve memory retention. When you write down your ideas, plot points, or marketing strategies, you're more likely to remember and act upon them.

Customization: A printable planner can be tailored to suit your unique needs and preferences. You have the freedom to structure it in a way that best serves your author business, including adding or removing sections as required.

Creative Outlet: Some authors find the act of physically writing in a planner to be a creative and enjoyable process. It can serve as a form of self-expression and provide a sense of fulfillment beyond just goal-setting.

While digital tools have their place and can complement your planning process, the benefits of using a printable planner for authors are clear. It can provide a sense of grounding, focus, and organization that can significantly contribute to your success as a writer and authorpreneur.

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"I think having the monthly review section is very powerful. A lot of journals / planners / goal setting activities I come across don't have that section, which is one of the most important parts. My wife and I make yearly goals together and each anniversary we do a review. We both agree that the review is the most eye opening part."

- Tom Morkes,

Plus these bonuses and extras...

Purchasing your copy of the Platform + Productivity Planner will not only give you access to worksheets and planning pages to spur your productivity and empower your professional growth, but you'll also get these bonuses, for free. Including...

So, here's everything you'll get inside...

  • Your choice of a monthly or monthly/weekly version of the Platform + Productivity Planner
  • A 40-minute recorded webinar training with strategies to build your writer platform and still find time to write
  • Worksheets for mindset, purpose, vision, and goals
  • Business review and marketing plan worksheets
  • Blogging and email list-building strategies
  • Social media and book launch planning
  • Financial tracking and budget worksheets
  • Tools for tracking book sales and business growth
  • Content creation templates for blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters to free up time and reduce repetitive tasks
  • A marketing summary and business plan dashboard in Trello
  • A guide to harnessing the versatile power of Canva to transform your visual content and supercharge your brand
  • Strategies to repurpose your content across various platforms to significantly expand your reach and productivity
  • Bonuses including guides, templates, and training to boost productivity and brand development


You've got two choices...

You could keep trying to figure this stuff out on your own (which often takes even the most hard-working and intelligent people years to do).


You could steal my strategies and get big results in a matter of weeks.

Think about where you want to be six months from now...or even ONE month from now.

Do you have a proven plan to get there?

You can use the Platform + Productivity Planner to help you achieve your writing and author business goals faster than you thought was possible.

What will you choose?

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"Are you an author who just wants to write? Without knowing it, you might be sabotaging your author career. No worries though. By asking profound questions, Kimberley will help you to look deep within yourself and unlock your success potential.

By the time you finish “Believe, Plan, Act”:

  • You will have developed a business plan that includes your strategies on blogging, podcasting, list building, social media, book launching, networking and more.
  • You will have discovered how to build your business beyond your book.
  • You will know EXACTLY how to track your book sales, your finances and your success.

When you go through the planner thoroughly you’ll get to know yourself and what works for you better than you ever thought possible."

- Alinka Rutkowska, Multi-Award Winning, #1 International Best-Selling Author; LibraryBub CEO; 5-Figure Author Challenge Host

Built upon the foundations of my 10+ years of consulting, the Platform and Productivity Planner is the ultimate tool for authors who aspire to boost their productivity and grow their author businesses.

The distinction between achieving remarkable success and facing disappointments often boils down to purposeful planning. Many authors invest significant time in their craft but struggle to translate it into a rewarding career.

If you’re serious about building a community around your work and building a sustainable career as an author, you must have a clear and cohesive plan.

The sooner you develop a comprehensive blueprint for your author business, the sooner you'll start to reap the rewards of your dedication and creativity.

This is a one-time-buy, printable PDF planner designed for writers and "authorpreneurs" to help you map out your platform building again and again. It's a digital download that you buy once and can print off, organize, and bind however you choose.

What if I Decide the Platform + Productivity Planner is Not for Me? Can I Get a Refund?

I've worked hard to make this the best planning tool available for writers, and made it available at an extremely low price. You get instant access to hundreds of dollars worth of content that you can download immediately. However, if you feel that the Platform + Productivity Planner is not a good fit, I honor requests for a refund within the first 14 days of purchase.

The Creator Behind the Platform + Productivity Planner

Hi! I'm Kimberley Grabas.

I'm a Canadian writer and the founder of – a site where I help a growing international community of thousands of rising “authorpreneurs” build their platforms, engage their fans and sell more books.

With degrees in both Business and Psychology, as well as over 24 years in sales and marketing, I use my unique mix of skills and experience to help writers promote their work, build community engagement, and develop an online presence in a genuine and meaningful way.


Reach out to me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.