Email Marketing Strategy for Authors

Develop a marketing strategy to engage your community via email – and keep them coming back for more.

If there was one thing you could do that would multiply your reach and help you build deeper relationships with people who are already interested in your message and your work –

would you do it?

What if that one thing required no tricks, no SEO, no fancy design skills, and no algorithms to decipher?

And if building that same one thing over time lead to significantly increased sales of your books or services – would it be worth doing?

Building a targeted and invested email list of subscribers is hands down one of THE most important things you can do to ensure the long-term growth of your writing career.

If I could only take one thing with me on a deserted (platform building) island, it would be my email list.


Because no matter how important blogging, social media, publicity and other forms of outreach are for getting your work in front of the right eyeballs...

your email list is the only thing – if nurtured – that will allow you to directly and personally communicate with your readers on an ongoing basis.



While social media has its merits, email still trumps social media.

When it comes to marketing your book and truly connecting and communicating with your fans, one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal is an email list of eager and targeted subscribers.

Both email and social media are important for successful marketing:

        • social media for piquing interest, developing connections, and creating awareness
        • email for the follow-up, the conversation, and for turning interested people into fans, and fans into customers

What’s most important is the advantage email brings in the form of control, access, and building a deeper connection with your ideal audience.



The Advantage of Building Your List and Doing It Early

Understanding that email has a different role than social media in terms of connecting with your audience, is important. But fully understanding the perks of building your list, is also necessary.

And although writers are frequently being told to “start building your email list”,

they are not being told exactly why it’s vital to start – and the advantage of starting early.

Let's fix that.

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Your Instructor

Kimberley Grabas
Kimberley Grabas

Kimberley Grabas is a Canadian writer and the founder of – a site where she provides writers with the resources, tools and inspiration they need to build their platforms, engage their fans and sell more books.

With degrees in both Business and Psychology, as well as over 14 years in sales and marketing, Kimberley uses her unique mix of skills and experience to help writers promote their work, build community engagement and develop an online presence in a genuine and meaningful way.